A Magic Club FOr Everyone
Many will know that The Magic Circle, The Society of American Magicians, The International Brotherhood of Magicians, The Magic Castle all essentially began with a group of like-minded kindred spirits and friends getting together and forming a club.
So it is with The Association de Magiciens Internationaux. The only difference is that it is virtual and ergo, includes anyone from anywhere on the planet.

All those well-versed in the French language will immediately spot that it is not quite grammatically correct; however, we took some poetic license so that the abbreviation would be AMI, which means friend in French.
A.M.I. is not your ordinary magic club.
It is a Private Club.
Much the same as any private club, except it is virtual. That in itself provides many advantages.
Of course, there are a great number of Magic clubs in almost every country. Some examples are the Moroccan Magic Circle, The Norwegian Magic Circle, Magisk Cirkel Danmark, The Sussex Magic Circle, the Edinburgh Magic Circle, The Society of Irish Magicians, and many others that share the words Magic Society, Circle, and Association in their titles. Irrespective of their names none are rivals but all bring together Members who are involved with magic and its allied Arts such as Juggling & Ventriloquism.
None of the above–named organizations are rivals and are not in competition with each other. This applies equally to A.M.I. – it is not a rival organization but an additional Club whose main aim is to bring together like-minded friends regardless of geographical location. AMI is in every sense an International Club for Magicians & for those in allied Performing Arts. The Magic Circle’, The S.A.M.’, and The I.B.M, all have Members in various countries and many take great pride in belonging to one or all three as well as their own local Club.
AMI is a duly constituted legal entity registered in the UK as a Limited company and has as its bank, The National Westminster Bank – a major UK Bank. AMI also holds an office in France and has representatives in many countries. It also has its own Website, FB, and other Social Media Groups.
The principle objective of AMI is to bring together worldwide those who have a passion for the Art and wish to be part of an Organization devoid of politics and instead fosters good relations, camaraderie, friendship, fun times & good vibrations.
We have a Board of experienced performers who bring a wealth of talent to our organization. The Board is made up of a structured mix of ages and experience. This establishes a good combination of views and not just limited to one age, gender, race, country, or opinion. Above all, it is a democratic Board in every sense of the word devoid of Politics and ego. Its prime purpose is to do all that is possible to make AMI a friendly organization that seeks to advance the Art.
The Board is made up of ages ranging from mid 20’s to 70’s. Apart from all being Performers they are, also in many cases, also Mentors & Teachers. The Board meets frequently via Zoom and all members are actively encouraged to attend those meetings and contribute ideas & suggestions. In due course, The Board will appoint Ambassadors & Envoys. As we all want our organization to flourish for many years to come we will have frequent meetings with our Envoys and Ambassadors to get to know and understand the needs of all our Members Internationally. We are open to considering any Member who wishes to become an Envoy /Representative.
Assisting The Board are :
Ricky Patel MAAT – Company Secretary & Treasurer
Céline Amoruso – AMI Secretary
Cole Blackbell – Membership Administrator
Click here for details about The Current Board Members.
In due course, we will have various committees made up of Members:
Mind Magic & Mentalism
Paranormal & Esoteric
Book Discussion
Any Member wishing to set up a relevant committee will be encouraged by The Board. Decisions & policies are made by the duly constituted Board members, all of whom are experienced Performers both Nationally and Internationally. They bring a wide range of truly international Showbiz experience & understand the needs of performers.
One of AMI’s goals is to provide international opportunities for all our members, such as being recognised by other prestigious organisations. As a matter of fact, we will be approaching the most prominent organisations requesting that we become one of their recognised clubs.

As we are a truly democratic and open-minded organization, all is done in a friendly round-table manner. Members are encouraged to offer their workshops, lectures, products, etc., and indeed other relevant suggestions. We shall follow the principle philosophy of the legendary David Devant – the first President of The Magic Circle – “It is all done with kindness.”
All matters will be in the universal language of English. However, wherever possible we shall also use French.

Photo Credit: Mark Hesketh- Jennings The Official Photographer at The Magic Circle which is home to the original Art.